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About Us


Maeve (Vice President)


Maeve is a big fan of being healthy and she loves to exercise and work out, which makes her a great fit for the group! She also loves baking, soccer, fashion, and broadway musicals, especially Hamilton.

Eliya (President)


Eliya Gladstone is the proud founder of Creations 4 Cancer. She loves to draw, bake, sing, and dance. She has always been an optimistic and caring person. She and her friends have put a lot of work into this organization.

Elise (Treasurer)


Elise Drake is a great baker and friend. She is a very committed member. She loves helping out and everyone in Creations 4 Cancer has total faith in her. She is always happy to help a friend.

Becoming a Member

If you want to be a member, all you have to do is go to your best friend or someone reliable you know and ask them if they know what Creations 4 Cancer is. If they say yes, you're all set! If not, tell them what Creations 4 Cancer is. You don't have to say a long story about every single detail, just a short summary of the organization. You still want to give enough detail to make sure they're not left hanging. After they're informed, ask them if they want to join. If they say yes, both of you should go ask more people to join. It's that easy to help out! Click the button below to get involved and help those with cancer.

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